Turn Mosby Links into One-Step SMU-login-automatic links

What is this?

Mosby has great resources for SMU students, but it can be difficult to tell students how to locate a resource, and time-consuming for them to find that resource. You cannot (tradionaly) send a direct link to a resource, because the recipient must login first. With this tool, once you find a Mosby resources you can enter that URL to that resource under "Mosby URL" below, and "Translated for SMU Login" will be a URL you can send them to automatically handle the login and loading of that resource.

Traditional Method of telling someone how to view a Mosby resource
1) login to Mosby, if you can remember how
2) Search on "sputum" (wait...)
3) select "Sepecimen Collection: Sputum"
4) From Demos select the video

New Method (after you've translated the URL with the form below):
1) Click on this link

Mosby URL:

Translated for SMU Login: