The second and third parameters are linked togethor. The third parameter, interp_type, indicates what the second parameter, to_interpret, is. Here are the possibilities:
SE_FILE seconstcharptr
SE_TEXT seconstcharptr
SE_PRECOMP ubyte *
SE_FUNC seobject
SE_FILE indicates a filename, which is read, parsed, and interpreted.
SE_TEXT, which we've already seen above, indicates the source code is a text string.
SE_PRECOMP allows you to execute a precompiled script. You pass as the parameter the script buffer that was given to you by the sePrecompile ScriptEase API call.
SE_FUNC allows you to execute a function. You pass the function you wish to execute. Remember, in JavaScript, a function is just an object. You can retrieve the function you wish to call via the seGetObjectEx API call.