Routines for date/time
Converts data and time to an ASCII string. |
Gets processor time. |
Converts date-time to an ASCII string. |
Computes difference between two times. |
Converts data and time to GMT. |
Converts date/time to a structure. |
Converts time structure to calendar time. |
Formatted write of date/time to a string. |
Gets current time. |
Returns the day of the month. |
Returns the day of the week. |
Returns the year with four digits. |
Returns the hour. |
Returns the millisecond. |
Returns the minute. |
Returns the month. |
Returns the second. |
Returns date/time, milliseconds, in Date object. |
Returns difference, in minutes, from GMT. |
Returns the UTC day of the month. |
Returns the UTC day of the week. |
Returns the UTC year with four digits. |
Returns the UTC hour. |
Returns the UTC millisecond. |
Returns the UTC minute. |
Returns the UTC month. |
Returns the UTC second. |
Returns the year with two digits. |
Set day of the month. |
Sets the year with four digits. |
Sets the hour. |
Sets the millisecond. |
Sets the minute. |
Sets the month. |
Sets the second. |
Sets date/time, in milliseconds, in Date object. |
Sets the UTC day of the month. |
Sets the UTC year with four digits. |
Sets the UTC hour. |
Sets the UTC millisecond. |
Sets the UTC minute. |
Sets the UTC month. |
Sets the UTC second. |
Sets the year with two digits. |
Returns the date portion of current date as string. |
Converts a Date object to a string. |
Same as date.toDateString using local time. |
Returns a string for local date and time. |
Same as date.toTimeString using local time. |
Converts a Date object to a system time. |
Returns the time portion of current date as string. |
Returns a string that represents the UTC date. |
Converts system time to Date object time. |
Converts a Date string to a Date object. |
Returns date/time, milliseconds, use parameters. |
datetime.jsh - date and time