Bit operators
ScriptEase contains many operators for operating directly on the bits in a byte or an integer. Bit operations require a knowledge of bits, bytes, integers, binary numbers, and hexadecimal numbers. Not every programmer needs to or will choose to use bit operators.
<< |
shift left |
i = i << 2; |
<<= |
assignment shift left |
i <<= 2; |
>> |
shift right |
i = i >> 2; |
>>= |
assignment shift right |
i >>= 2; |
>>> |
shift left with zeros |
i = i >>> 2 |
>>>= |
assignment shift left with zeros |
i >>>= 2 |
& |
bitwise and |
i = i & 1 |
&= |
assignment bitwise and |
i &= 1; |
| |
bitwise or |
i = i | 1 |
|= |
assignment bitwise or |
i |= 1; |
^ |
bitwise xor, exclusive or |
i = i ^ 1 |
^= |
assignment bitwise xor, exclusive or |
i ^= 1 |
~ |
Bitwise not, complement |
i = ~i; |
Logical operators and conditional expressions