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Function recursion


A recursive function is a function that calls itself or that calls another function that calls the first function. Recursion is permitted in ScriptEase. Each call to a function is independent of any other call to that function. (See the section on variable scope.) Be aware that recursion has limits. If a function calls itself too many times, a script will run out of memory and abort.


Do not worry if recursion is confusing, since you rarely have to use it. Just remember that a function can call itself if it needs to. For example, the following function, factor(), factors a number. Factoring is an ideal candidate for recursion because it is a repetitive process where the result of one factor is then itself factored according to the same rules.


function factor(i) // recursive function to print all factors of i,

{// and return the number of factors in i

   if ( 2 <= i ) 


      for ( var test = 2; test <= i; test++ ) 


         if ( 0 == (i % test) ) 


            // found a factor, so print this factor then call

            // factor() recursively to find the next factor

            return( 1 + factor(i/test) );




   // if this point was reached, then factor not found

   return( 0 );



Error checking for functions