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Automatic type declaration


There are no type declarations nor type castings as found in C. Types are determined from context. In the statement, var i = 6, the variable i is a number type. For example, the following C code:


int max(int a, int b)


   int result;

   result = (a < b) ? b : a;

   return result;



could be converted to the following ScriptEase code:


Clib.max(a, b)


   var result = (a < b) ? b : a;

   return result;



The code could be made even more like C by using a with statement as in the following fragment.


with (Clib)


   max(a, b)


      var result = (a < b) ? b : a;

      return result;




A with statement can be used with large blocks of code which would allow Clib and SElib methods to be called like C functions. C programmers will appreciate this ability. Other users who decide to use the extra power of C functions will come to appreciate this ability.


Array representation