syntax: |
sebool seAssignEx(secontext se,seobject destObj, semember destMem, seobject srcObj, semember srcMem, int flags); |
where: |
se the context the members are a part of
destObj the desination object half of the Object,Member pair
destMem the desination member half of the Object,Member pair
srcObj the source object half of the Object,Member pair
srcMem the desination member half of the Object,Member pair
flags the assignment flags
return: |
A boolean, TRUE if the destination member was created, FALSE if it already existed.
description: |
This function does a get on the source Object,Member followed by a put of that value to the destination Object,Member.
seAssign is similar to the sePut functions in that it has the Must and Direct name forms as an alternative to the flags.
see: |