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Regular expression attributes

The following table lists allowable attribute characters and their effects on a regular expression. No other characters are allowed as attributes.



Attribute meaning



Do a global match. Allow the finding of all matches in a string using the RegExp and String methods and properties that allow global operations. The instance property global is set to true.


Example: /pattern/g



Do case insensitive matches. The instance property ignoreCase is set to true.


Example: /pattern/i



Work with multiple lines in a string. When working with multiple lines the "^" and "$" anchor characters will match the start and end of a string and the start and end of lines within the string. The newline character "\n" in a string indicates the end of a line and hence lines in a string. The instance property multiline is set to true.


Example: /pattern/m



Attributes are the characters allowed after the end slash "/" in a regular expression pattern. The following regular expressions illustrate the use of attributes.


var pat = /^The/i;    // any form of "the" at start of a string

var pat = /the/g;     // all occurrences of "the" may be found

var pat = /test$/m;   // first "test" at the end of any line

var pat = /test$/igm; // all forms of "test" at end of all lines

   // The following four examples do the same as the first four

var pat = new RegExp("^The",  "i");

var pat = new RegExp("the",   "g");

var pat = new RegExp("test$", "m");

var pat = new RegExp("test$", "igm");


Regular expression special characters