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Regular expression escape sequences


Character represented



Form feed, \cL, \x0C, \014



Line feed, newline, \cJ, \x0A, \012



Carriage return, \cM, \x0D, \015



Horizontal tab, \cI, \x09, \011



Vertical tab, \cK, \x0B, \013



The character: /



The character: \



The character: .



The character: *



The character: +



The character: ?



The character: |



The character: (



The character: )



The character: [



The character: ]



The character: {



The character: }



A character itself, if not one of the above. Seldom, if ever, used.



A control character. For example, \cL is a form feed (^L or CtrlL), same as \f.



A character represented by its code in hexadecimal. For example, \x0A is a newline, same as \n, and \x41 is "A".



A character represented by its code in octal. For example, \012 is a newline, same as \n, and \101 is "A".


Regular expression replacement characters