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Old SE:ISDK Downloads

These are old downloads of ScriptEase:ISDK. Unless you have inherited some old code that must be compared against an earlier release, there's no reason not to download the latest versions of SE:ISDK.

As described in our Jan 11 2002 newsletter, Version 5 is the most significant improvement in script-language integration since Nombas introduced script development tools nearly a decade ago. The July 25 2003 newsletter describes the latest 5.01 improvements.

Version 5.00 for Java and J2ME

Version 5.00 for C/C++

  • Windows 95/98/NT/2K/XP SE:ISDK/C version 5.00f (29,974,051 bytes)
  • PalmOS SE:ISDK/C version 5.00f (5,102,175 bytes)
  • Windows CE SE:ISDK/C version 5.00f (27,391,011 bytes)
  • RIM/Blackberry SE:ISDK/C version 5.00f (24,502,327 bytes)
  • VXWorks/Tornado SE:ISDK/C version 5.00f (21,349,931 bytes)
  • DOS - 16bit SE:ISDK/C version 5.00f (5,358,000 bytes)
  • Solaris SE:ISDK/C version 5.00f (27,137,616 bytes)
  • Linux SE:ISDK/C version 5.00f (13,920,228 bytes)
  • HP-UX SE:ISDK/C version 5.00f (12,499,716 bytes)
  • Irix SE:ISDK/C version 5.00f (14,165,693 bytes)
  • Aix SE:ISDK/C version 5.00f (16,673,686 bytes)

Version 4.40 for C/C++

(For info on the difference between 4.40 and 4.30, and which one you need, see the Aug 20 2001 newsletter and Aug 30 2001 newsletter. For information about the differences betwen 4.40 and 5.00 see our Jan 11 2002 newsletter.)

  • PalmOS SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (4,623,258 bytes)
  • Windows 95/98/NT/2K/XP SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (11,186,304 bytes)
  • Windows CE SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (8,469,838 bytes)
  • RIM/Blackberry SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (4,834,793 bytes)
  • Windows 3.X SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (6,402,471 bytes)
  • VXWorks/Tornado SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (5,179,910 bytes)
  • DOS SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (5,528,705 bytes)
  • DOS 16-bit Protected Mode SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (4,957,724 bytes)
  • DOS 32-bit Protected Mode SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (6,423,019 bytes)
  • OS/2 SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (5,654,872 bytes)
  • Netware NLM SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (5,757,848 bytes)
  • Linux SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (4,080,615 bytes)
  • HP-UX SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (4,782,994 bytes)
  • Aix SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (3,916,946 bytes)
  • Irix SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (4,564,114 bytes)
  • Solaris SE:ISDK/C version 4.40f (4,783,079 bytes)
  • Macintosh SE:ISDK/C version 4.40e (10,146,087 bytes)

Version 4.30 for C/C++

  • Windows 95/98/NT SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (10,456,792 bytes)
  • Windows CE SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (8,217,763 bytes)
  • Windows 3.X SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (6,157,033 bytes)
  • VXWorks/Tornado SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (4,984,066 bytes)
  • DOS SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (5,392,157 bytes)
  • DOS 16-bit Protected Mode SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (4,851,588 bytes)
  • DOS 32-bit Protected Mode SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (6,055,178 bytes)
  • OS/2 SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (5,212,993 bytes)
  • Netware NLM SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (5,581,370 bytes)
  • Linux SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (3,320,724 bytes)
  • HP-UX SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (3,471,830 bytes)
  • Aix SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (3,145,437 bytes)
  • Irix SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (3,435,376 bytes)
  • Solaris SE:ISDK/C version 4.30g (3,590,847 bytes)
  • Macintosh SE:ISDK/C version 4.30f (6,068,186 bytes)

Version 4.20d for C/C++

  • FreeBSD SE:ISDK/C version 4.20d (1,954,670 bytes)

Version 4.10 for C/C++

  • Sunos SE:ISDK/C version 4.10c (1,945,126 bytes)
  • OS390/MVS SE:ISDK/C version 4.10c (2,172,550 bytes)

Version 4.30f for Java

  • ScriptEase ISDK for Java
    This Pure Java version is not available as an anonymous trial download. Please evaluate your needs with the following:

  • ScriptEase:ISDK/JavaJNI version 4.30f (1,909,805 bytes)
    This fully-functional version is available for 30-day trial. This trial version has the same API as the PureJava version, and integrates into your application in the same way, but uses JNI to link to our underlying C-library and runs only on Win32 platforms.
  • This is a no-risk evaluation solution: you evaluate SE:ISDK/Java without financial risk to yourself, and without intellectual-property risk to Nombas.

    NOTE: The ISDK for Java has been fully tested with Sun's Java2 SDK v1.3.

Version 4.03 for C/C++

  • Digital Unix SE:ISDK/C version 4.01 (480,586 bytes)
  • All other versions (other Unix, embedded system, handhelds, etc...), please e-mail us.

Related 4.02 for C/C++

    SMALLJSE - This is a demonstration of using SE:ISDK options to make very small systems, as may be needed in an embedded processor. (description) (download ~40K)



Download ScriptEase Runtime Extensions (SE:RTEx). With SE:RTEx, you can write and link to your own C libraries.


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