version 4.40 now available
SE:ISDK/C 4.40 available, but so is 4.30
Version 4.40 is now available.
As discussed in the previous
newsletter, version 4.40 may be the best choice for you, or
you can stick with 4.30. We will continue to update 4.30, with
a 4.30e errata release coming soon.
What is new in 4.40?
The August
20 Newsletter describes the greatest differences between 4.30
and 4.40, and discusses whether you should switch now. Here is
a brief listing of those and other changes:
Improved Memory Use:
Structures and code have been tweaked to use les memory, sometimes
much less memory.
Extended Memory Options: External memory systems
(i.e. memory outside the standard malloc-like allocation heap)
can be used to handle larger scripts and objects on smaller devices.
Fibers: Multiple fibers can share most of the
script context, saving memory and providing enhanced performance
for servers supporting many near-simultaneous events.
Named Arguments: foo(parm1:value) is now optionally
supported in scripts.
Enumerate members option: jseGetNextMember()
has a new option that will not create tempVars.
Performance enhancements: In our speed tests
version 4.40 can run about 20% faster than 4.30.
More QA: More of our internal debugging tools,and
more tests, have been added to improve QA for ourselves and for
New platforms: We've added more devices to
our supported platforms: PalmOS, PocketPC, and RIM BlackBerry.
jsecontexts are consistent: The jseContext
returned from initialization can now be used anywhere. jseCurrentContext()
is no longer necessary.
Control over implicit flags in jseInterpret:
More build and run-time flags have been added to control implicit-this
and implicit-parents for the global or for all functions when
calling jseInterpret().
C++ object wrapper: srcapp/jseobject is available
to provide easier wrapping of C++ objects as ECMAScript objects.
What is not new in 4.40?
The API, with the exception
of what is mentioned above, and supporting tools have not changed.
The manual is still at 4.30 and will not be modified for this
Should I switch from 4.30
to 4.40?
If you need a feature that is
in 4.40, then switch. If 4.30 has all you need and you've been
using it for a while then stay with 4.30 (4.30e errata release
will be available soon). Also, see the August
20 Newsletter for more discussion on this topic. If you are
unsure then contact
with your questions.
How do I get version 4.40?
Send a message to the Nombas
Support Site requesting a 4.40c release and the platforms
a question about how to use ScriptEase:ISDK? Let Dr. Scripter
know at